Dog food made from insects has a proven carbon footprint

Last updated on January 26th, 2024 at 04:15 am

The super-premium dog food that Globe Buddy, a Danish pet food business, has launched is based on insect protein.

As to the manufacturer, Globe Buddy Brown is made with protein derived from black soldier fly larvae and can be fed to all dogs, even those with sensitive stomachs or intolerances to conventional meats.

As per the calculations conducted by Viegand Maagøe, a consultant business acting on behalf of Globe Buddy, the product has a third-party confirmed carbon footprint that is slightly greater than half of the usual dog food ingredients in the market.

CEO and co-founder of Globe Buddy Bjarne Gravesen Jensen stated: “We have made it simple to feed your furry friend a healthy and tasty diet while doing some good for the planet, simply by reducing the climate impact of dogs.”

“Pet parents needed more information on how environmentally sustainable the food their dogs are eating, even though several firms have introduced what they call “green” pet foods to the market. This gap in the market is what our brand seeks to fill”.

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